Plot:The story of Race 2 starts with Ranveer Singh's (Saif Ali Khan) girlfriend Sonia's (Bipasha Basu) murder and the former's quest for revenge from the killer. A depressed and sombre Ranveer heads to Turkey and meets Armaan Malik (John Abraham), who has actually murdered Sonia. Multi-millionaire Armaan is a man who loves nothing more than money and Ranveer's motto is to destroy his girlfriend's killer, by snatching away all his riches. This is where Ranveer meets the super sexy Elena (Deepika Padukone), Armaan's sister, who has no better job except getting onto the bed with the former.
Genre: Thriller | Action | Crime | Drama
IMDB rating: 7.6/10
Directed by: Abbas Alibhai Burmawalla, Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla
Starring: Saif Ali Khan, Anil Kapoor, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham
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