Plot:In 1996, LAPD Sgt. John Spartan leads a raid to rescue hostages taken by the psychopathic criminal Simon Phoenix. After an initial scan reveals no sign of the hostages, Spartan enters Phoenix's stronghold and captures him. However, before he is captured, Phoenix detonates several barrels of C4, which destroys the building. The hostages' bodies are found in the rubble, and Spartan is blamed for their deaths. Both men are sentenced to "CryoPrison," where they are kept in cryogenic storage and exposed to subconscious rehabilitation techniques. In 2032, Phoenix escapes from CryoPrison during a parole hearing and begins a crime spree. By now the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Barbara have merged into the utopian San Angeles, under the pacifist guidance of Dr. Raymond Cocteau. All vices have been outlawed, and the San Angeles Police (SAPD) are now incapable of dealing with criminals like Phoenix. However, veteran officer Zachary Lamb suggests that Spartan be revived and reinstated to the force to help them recapture Phoenix. Lieutenant Lenina Huxley is assigned to assist Spartan.
Genre: Action | Crime | Sci-Fi | Thriller
IMDB rating: 6.6/10
Directed by: Marco Brambilla
Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock, Bob Gunton, Denis Leary, Glenn Shadix
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