Plot: The story is based on the gang war between two powerful rival groups of Gurjars. One led by Satbir Gurjar (played by Vivek Oberoi) and the other led by Mahender Fauji Bainsla,[5] played by Arshad Warsi during the 1990s and the role of controversial police officer Pritam Singh, played by (Sanjay Dutt), (based upon a series of real life incidents) that happened in the 90s in Ghaziabad. The Area around Ghaziabad joined the border of Meerut , Baghpat and Noida , Greater Noida districts is Gurjar dominated since old times that part of Western Uttar Pardesh and well known as power of Gurjars
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Zila Ghaziabad (2013) BRRip All Music Videos
Posted on 07:47 by jonson
Plot: The story is based on the gang war between two powerful rival groups of Gurjars. One led by Satbir Gurjar (played by Vivek Oberoi) and the other led by Mahender Fauji Bainsla,[5] played by Arshad Warsi during the 1990s and the role of controversial police officer Pritam Singh, played by (Sanjay Dutt), (based upon a series of real life incidents) that happened in the 90s in Ghaziabad. The Area around Ghaziabad joined the border of Meerut , Baghpat and Noida , Greater Noida districts is Gurjar dominated since old times that part of Western Uttar Pardesh and well known as power of Gurjars
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